Clearinghouse For Volunteer Accounting Services

The primary service of CVAS is to help nonprofit organizations obtain accounting services at no cost. CVAS recruits volunteer accountants, and then matches them with nonprofit organizations in need of accounting services. Several types of volunteer accounting services are available as described below.
Technical Assistance
The Technical Assistance Program provides direct, short-term help to nonprofit organizations throughout the nation. Whether it’s a small problem, a complete breakdown of the internal accounting system, or preparation of financial information for a potential grantor, CVAS volunteers can help.
Free services include preparation, creation, and consultation regarding:
- Accounting Systems
- Budgets
- Cash Flow Projections
- Computers
- Financial Management
- Financial Reports
- Internal Control Systems
- Tax returns
Reduced Fee Audits
Unfortunately, our volunteer accountants cannot provide pro bono auditing services. However, they do provide auditing services at a reduced cost. If you would like information on reduced fee audits, or are a CPA interested in providing reduced fee audit services, please contact us.
Board Member Placement
CVAS believes that nonprofit organizations can benefit greatly from the knowledge and experience which an accounting professional brings to a Board of Directors. CPAs bring a unique perspective and often have a better understanding of a given issue’s financial ramifications than other non-CPA lay Board members.
The CVAS Board Member Placement Program has been designed to match nonprofit organizations nationwide with volunteers who share common interests. As a result, the volunteer’s personal commitment to the organization is likely to be strong and the relationship between the nonprofit and the volunteer more rewarding.
Technical Question and Answer Service
The Technical Question and Answer Service was established in early 2001 as a means of providing services to nonprofits who already have accounting or bookkeeping assistance, but whose accounting staff may have a question with regard to their specific nonprofit organization. This service is not intended to replace on-going accounting assistance, either paid or voluntary, but is intended only to provide answers to occasional questions.
The Technical Question and Answer Service is conducted via email. Written questions on accounting, auditing, tax and related issues should be emailed to [email protected]. After receiving the emailed question, a designated volunteer, having researched the question, will respond by email or telephone.
Turnaround time will generally be a few days, except where extensive research is required. Specific deadlines will be accommodated whenever possible. When emailing a question to us, be sure to specify your telephone number and a deadline, if applicable. Please use the subject header field of your email to briefly summarize the technical issue.
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